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From Conway Massachusetts to Lincoln Illinois


America's worst theater disaster happened in Chicago on December 30, 1903.  In the second act of a Mr. Bluebeard performance at the newly constructed Iroquois Theater, a stage fire spread to the auditorium and nearly six hundred people died.  Among the victims were three people from Lincoln, Illinois, one fatality and two survivors.  Sixteen year old Leander Jones Diffenderfer lost his life at the Iroquois.  John and Flora Boyden* were luckier.

John Trumbull Boyden (1846–1924) and his wife, Flora Warner Boyden (1850–1920), residents of Lincoln, Illinois, a city of around 9,000, were in Chicago between Christmas and New Year in 1903. The 160-mile distance was about a half days train ride. In their mid-fifties, their children grown, the Boydens may have been taking time to enjoy the big city, away from responsibilities for a change, letting George, their oldest, take care of the family mortuary business. They may have visited relatives of John's who lived in Chicago, children of John's late brothers, or John may also have had business to conduct. Lincoln was the seat of Logan county, but Chicago offered services and products not available in rural communities. Among those John sometimes needed, as county coroner,† was chemical testing for forensic purposes.

Boyden bio

After an early stint as a bank teller, John Boyden took over the funeral home from his sister Kate's husband, Benjamin R. Hamilton. Conway, Massachusetts, was hometown to both the Hamilton and Boyden families. Benjamin and Kate returned to Conway in their senior years.

Lester and Cynthia Leonard Boyden had relocated their brood to Illinois around 1857 when John was a boy. David Brainard Warner (1823–1889) and Eva Schoolcraft Warner (1828–1878) came to Lincoln from New Albany, NY, soon thereafter. John and Flora married in 1871. Nellie Boyden (1873–1960) was born two years later, followed by George Boyden (1878–1942) and John Boyden (1881–1948)

Boyden family came to Illinois from Boston area

Low profile

The Boydens led such quiet lives that they might have been taken by surprise at the hometown attention brought by their escape from the Iroquois. John had received newspaper mentions in the 1870s when his fancy chickens were awarded breeding prizes. He was a charter member of a Masonic lodge in 1878, and Flora was a member of Eastern Star. Other than non-controversial mentions in conjunction with references to elections for coroner and brief references to John's role in that capacity, the Boydens did nothing to draw attention to themselves.

The 1883 Zora Burns homicide case was the most publicized of the criminal cases with which John was associated, and his involvement was minimal. A wealthy Lincoln businessman was accused and acquitted of murdering a young former housemaid amidst accusations of a cover-up by his influential business associates. The verdict was controversial enough that it might have divided Lincoln citizens along socio-economic lines for years. I just watched the 6-part series based on John Grisham's nonfiction book, Innocent Man, about a pair of murders a century later and two states away, in Ada, Oklahoma. In Ada, the accused were poor and convicted rather than wealthy and acquitted, but in terms of discord, the impact on their small communities was probably similar.

Lincoln, Illinois christened by Abe

In the years after the fire

George Boyden, John and Flora's oldest child, took over operating the Boyden funeral home for a time when his father retired after forty years in the business, and later his son in law, George Campbell, married to daughter Nellie, took it on. In 1923 John sold the family homestead at the corner of Logan and Pulaski in Lincoln to a fellow who planned to turn it into a funeral home.

John and Flora Boyden buried in Old Union Cemetery

Discrepancies and addendum

* I did not find evidence of a familial relationship between John Boyden and the Boyden relatives of Iroquois victim Carrie Sayre.

† John served multiple terms as Lincoln's coroner from 1880 to 1903.

Leander Diffenderfer jumped to fire net

Louis Zimmerman helped Iroquois victims

Undertaker escapes; family perishes at Iroquois Theater

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Story 2924


Notice. This research project will end and this website will be deleted in December 2025. The contents of the site, consisting of over 1GB of data in nearly 700 files and 2,200 images are available on a USB flash drive.