Abbott, Margaret Hunt — audience survivor
AS 1977 |
Abstein, Louisa F. Lander — audience survivor
AS 1326 |
Ackerman, Lillian Bertha — injured audience survivor
AS 1330 |
Adamek, Elma Julia Bartlett — audience fatality
AF 1182 |
Adams, Ada Cecelia Blanche — performer survivor
PS 1186 |
Adams, Ralph — injured audience survivor
AS 1390 |
Adams, Samuel Hopkins — see Page, Thomas
Nelson |
Adelphi Theater Chicago — see William Cole
Adolph, Anna — audience survivor
AS 1338 |
Adolph, Charles H. — audience survivor
AS 1337 |
Adolph Jr, Charles H. — audience survivor
AS 1339 |
Adolph, Mabel — audience survivor
AS 1340 |
Aerialist ballet dancers — see Grigolatis
Agnes, Theresa - performer survivor
PS 2586
A. H. Andrews Company — see Iroquois Theater
Ahern, William A. — thought dead though never attended Iroquois Theater
ZBG 1342 |
Ainslie, Helen — audience survivor
AS 1346 |
Akin, Harry L. — audience survivor
AS 2017 |
Albert, Ernest — Mr. Bluebeard set designer
ZBG 2105 |
Albrecht / Albright, Charles H. — dentist
who identified victim's body |
ZBG 2518 |
Aldrich, Martha — audience survivor
AS 1349 |
Aldridge, Luella Lulu — audience fatality
AF 1190 |
Aldridge, William H. — Iroquois Theater light operator survivor
WS 1350 |
Alexander, Boyer — audience fatality
AF 1193 |
Alexander, Lulu Boyer — audience fatality
AF 1191 |
Alexander, Melba — audience fatality
AF 1192 |
Alexander, Meade — improbable fatality, reported missing a year after fire |
ZBG 2677 |
Alexander, Mrs. William and daughter (above) — improbable fatality reported missing a year after fire |
ZBG 2676 |
Alfson, Alfred — audience fatality
AF 1194 |
Algeria Slave Song — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Allen, Charles — audience survivor
AS 2036 |
Allen, Mary S. Wenthe — audience fatality
AF 1196 |
Allen, Nathan — audience survivor
AS 2642 |
Alley — see Couch Place
Alling, Charles — Chicago alderman who sided with theater managers in diluting fire ordinance
ZBG 1594 |
Ammann, Otto John — Iroquois Theater employee
WS 1368 |
Ammons, Ida — mistakenly thought unidentified victim
ZBG 1626 |
A Most Unpopular Potentate — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Anderson, Annie — audience fatality
AF 1352 |
Anderson, Carrie — injured audience survivor
AS 1198 |
Anderson, Ragna — Iroquois worker fatality
WF 1197 |
Andrew, Frank — See Jandrew, Frank
Andrews, Harriet "Hattie" — audience fatality
AF 1353 |
Annen, Margarethe — audience fatality
AF 1381 |
Apgar, Margaret — audience survivor
AS 1384 |
Apkins, Peter Paul — injured audience survivor
AS 1370 |
Armour, Lola Lolita — donated money to help Mr. Bluebeard performers
ZBG 1415 |
Armsby, Cornelia W. — audience survivor
AS 1372 |
Arriola, Carlos E. — flute player in orchestra, survivor
PS 1199 |
Arthur, Annie — injured audience survivor
AS 1388 |
Arthur, Marjorie — injured audience survivor
AS 1387 |
Ashmore, Hazel — dancing performer survivor
PS 1389 |
Chaffee, Daisy — singing performer
survivor, thought to have been in Mr. Bluebeard
PS 2501 |
Atkin, George W. — coroner's juror
ZBG 1454 |
Auction for tickets to Iroquois premier — see Iroquois Theater — ticket auction |
Auditorium Theatre
ZBG 1015 |
Aurora, IL Trinity Episcopal Church — see churches
Austrian, Alfred S. — Iroquois Theater management defense attorney
ZBG 1201 |
Austrian, Walter J. — audience fatality
AF 1200 |
Automatic Sprinklers in Chicago Theaters
ZBG 1215 |
Automobiles at Iroquois Theater disaster response
BG |