Babes in Toyland
ZG 1162 |
Bagley, Helen — audience fatality
AF 1202 |
Bahr, Edward — audience survivor
AS 1391 |
Bahr, Frederick — audience survivor
AS 1392 |
Bailey, Edward Payson. — audience survivor
AS 1950 |
Bain, William — Iroquois assistant electrical engineer survivor
WS 1205 |
Baker, Adelaide — audience fatality
AF 1204 |
Balcony — see Iroquois |
Baldwin, Helen E. Paris — audience survivor
AS 1206 |
Ballet of Ferns — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Banshaf, George — audience fatality
AF 1210 |
Barbour, James J. — assistant state attorney
ZBG 1416 |
Barker, Ethel M. — audience fatality
AF 1211 |
Barker, Norton — audience survivor
AS 1393 |
Barnard, Archie — see Bernard |
Barnes, Albert Crane — states attorney, primary prosecutor
ZBG 1213 |
Barnes, Mary Elson — audience survivor
AS 2502 |
Barnheisel, Freddie R. — audience survivor
AS 1215 |
Barnheisel, Charles H. — audience fatality
AF 1214 |
Barr, Frank — stage carpenter survivor
WS 1627 |
Barry, Nellie — audience survivor
AS 1220 |
Barry, Wilma — see Wilma Porter |
Barry, William H. "Billy" — prior chief inspector in building department
ZBG 1787 |
Barsness, Nellie — audience survivor
AS 2088 |
Barsness, Jennie — audience survivor
AS 2089 |
Bartsch, William C. — audience fatality
AF 1227 |
Bartine, Grace Suiter — feared victim but was at different theater
ZBG 1623 |
Bartlett, Arthur — audience fatality
AF 1225 |
Bartlett, Alvina- audience fatality
AF 1223 |
Bartlett, Emma Ulrich Dolsen. — audience fatality
AF 1183 |
Bartlett disambiguation
Bartlett, Emma — audience fatality
AF 1224 |
Bartlett, William A. — see Church sermons
Battenfield, John — audience fatality
AF 1229 |
Battenfield, Robert — audience fatality
AF 1231 |
Battenfield, Ruth — audience fatality
AF 1230 |
Battenfield, Sarah Murray — audience fatality
AF 1228 |
Baumel, Sophia — young woman injured by falling Iroquois sign
ZBG 1630 |
Beahm, Ethel — audience survivor
AS 1397 |
Beahm, Susan — injured audience survivor
AS 1398 |
Beam, Walter — volunteer rescuer |
AS 2631 |
Beaumont, George — architect advising Chicago city council
special committee on new theater ordinance
ZBG 1593 |
Beaute, Daisy — performer survivor
PS 1407 |
Beath, Irene — audience survivor
AS 1341 |
Beauty & the Beast — glass palace
BG 1226 |
Beck, Dr. Carl — skin grafts for Edna Hunter
ZBG 1631 |
Becker, B. B. — see Boecker |
Becker sisters — see Maggie and Katie Kennedy |
Beder girls — see McKenna & Vallely
Beer that Made Milwaukee Famous — See Mr. Bluebeard music
Beil & Mauch — architectural sculpting contractor — see Iroquois Theater Indian bust
Bein, Hermann — audience fatality
AF 1632 |
Belasco, David — theatrical producer — see Chrystal Haerr |
Belasco, Zaza — bogusly reported to have been a
Bluebeard survivor |
ZBG 1633 |
Bell, Maria Pet — audience fatality (sister to Irene Reiter)
AF 1244 |
Bell, Samuel — performer survivor
PS 1634 |
Bellaire, Florida —
chorus girl survivor
PS 1635 |
Beller, C.C. — Improbable survivor, not listed in Chicago newspapers |
BG |
Ben Hur
ZBG 1038 |
Benjamin, Lillian "Lilly" Beach — audience survivor
AS 1684 |
Bennett, Frank I. — Chicago alderman who contributed to new theater ordinance
ZBG 1595 |
Berchem, Jules — cast Iroquois memorial plaque sculpted by Lorado Taft
ZBG 1963 |
Berg, Hilma Johnson — audience fatality
AF 1246 |
Berg, Victor — audience fatality
AF 1248 |
Berg, Olga — audience fatality
AF 1247 |
Berger, Julia M. — audience survivor — for eighteen months
AS 1252 |
Bergch, Anna — audience fatality
AF 1249 |
Bergch, Arthur, Jr. — audience fatality
AF 1250 |
Bergch, Arthur Sr. — injured audience survivor
AS 1251 |
Bergin, Michael — Iroquois Theater tage worker, survivor
WS 1481 |
Berkery, Charles J. — Chicago fireman
ZBG 1957 |
Bern, Herman — see Herman Bein |
Berrien, Helene E. — audience survivor
AS 1660 |
Berrien, Otillie. — audience survivor
AS 1661 |
Bernard, Archie — Iroquois house electrician chief
WS 1430 |
Berry, Carleton C. — injured audience survivor
AS 1257 |
Berry, Margaretha "Maggie"- audience fatality
AF 1254 |
Berry, Emma — audience fatality
AF 1256 |
Berry, Otto G. — audience fatality
AF 1255 |
Best Russell Cigars — held Iroquois receipts during fire
ZBG 1088 |
Beautel, Joseph Benjamin — Chicago police officer first responder
ZBG 1966 |
Beutel, William — audience fatality
AF 1689 |
Beutel, Emily — audience fatality
AS 1690 |
Bevis, Edwin J. — Iroquois Theater stage carpenter survivor
WS 1482 |
Beyer, Otto H. Henry — audience fatality
AF 1259 |
Beyer, Wilhemina "Minnie" Meisner — audience fatality
AF 1260 |
Beyer, Grace — audience fatality |
1243 |
Bezenek, Joseph J. — audience fatality
AF 1358 |
Bezenek, Nellie Moore — audience fatality
AF 1359 |
Charles — audience survivor
AS 1695 |
Bibo, Helen —
audience survivor
AS 1942 |
Bickford, Glenn — audience fatality
AF 1262 |
Bickford, Helen — audience fatality
AF 1263 |
Bickles, John — See John Pickles
Biegler, Susan Marshall — audience fatality
AF 1264 |
Billionaire, The — see Jerome Sykes
Billy Gray, U.S.A., O.K — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Bircker, J. W. — Improbable survivor, not listed in Chicago newspapers |
BG |
Bird, Marion — audience fatality
AF 1184 |
Bissing, Harry — designer of Iroquois Theater special lighting
ZBG 1431 |
Bissinger, Tessie — audience survivor
AS 1265 |
Bissinger, Walter — audience fatality
AF 1266 |
Black, Charles W. — audience survivor (newlywed to Mary Flannagan of Sturgis, Michigan)
AS 2435 |
Blackman, Ethel — audience fatality
AF 1268 |
Blackman, Gladys — audience survivor
AS 1269 |
Blackman, Geoffrey E. — audience survivor
AS 1270 |
Blair, Clyde A. — audience survivor
AS 1274 |
Blair, Mae — extraordinary Chicago Lawn telephone operator
ZBG 1985 |
Blake, Freeman K. — Chicago alderman who fought for sprinklers
ZBG 1617 |
Blanch, Ada — see Ada Cecelia Blanch Adams |
Bliss, Harold F. — audience fatality
AF 1691 |
Bluebeard — see Mr. Bluebeard |
Blood, Clarence — audience survivor
AS 1988 |
Bloom, Rose — audience fatality
AF 1717 |
Blum, Rose — see Rose Bloom |
Bodies awaiting identification
ZBG 1012 |
Boeker, Bernard Berthold — audience survivor
AS 1408 |
Boem (or Boeam), Paul — improbable audience fatality. Appeared on early lists, no death certificate issued, possibly confused with Paul
and Marie Brennan who lived at same
address: 608 West Fulton . No Paul Boem or
Boeam living in Chicago in 1903. |
BG |
Boettcher, Norine H. Baker — audience fatality
AF 1276 |
Boggs, Esther — performer survivor
PS 1284 |
Bogg, Mamie — audience fatality
AF 1278 |
Boice, Sarah Belle Chipman — audience fatality
AF 1722 |
Boice, Elizabeth Bessie Stoddart — audience fatality
AF 1723 |
Boice, William Hasbrouck — audience fatality
AF 1721 |
Bolte, Charles Guy — audience survivor
AS 2425 |
Bolte, Guy — audience survivor
AS 2428 |
Bolte, Jessie Jane Willard — audience survivor
AS 2426 |
Bolte, John Willard — audience survivor
AS 2427 |
Bolte, Linda W. — audience fatality
AF 1751 |
Boltie, Helen — improbable audience fatality name appeared in Everett book and one newspaper list but coroner did not issue death certificate and there was only 1 family named Boltie in U.S., in W. Virginia
BG |
Bond, Lucile — audience fatality
AF 1363 |
Bonds, setting — see Court |
Books in 1903
ZBG 1060 |
Borresen, Christ — injured audience survivor
AS 1726 |
Botsford, Mabel A. — audience fatality
AF 1692 |
Boukidis, Thomas — fruit retailer on Randolph who gave shelter to fleeing victims
ZBG 1996 |
Bour, Dorothy — audience survivor
AS 1286 |
Bowen, George C. — audience survivor
AS2471 |
Bowers, Carrie — audience survivor
AS 1994 |
Bowers, Jemina "Mina" Richards — audience survivor
AS 1995 |
Bowman, Beatrice M. — audience fatality
AF 1753 |
Bowman, Josephine — audience fatality
AF 1752 |
Bowman, Lucien — audience fatality
AF 1754 |
Boyden, Florena "Flora" Warner — audience survivor
AS 1999 |
Boyden, John — audience survivor
AS 1998 |
Boyle, James — newsboy who found victim's ring
ZBG 1779 |
Boynton, Ray S. — Iroquois usher survivor
WS 2021 |
Bozardt, Victor — Mr. Bluebeard octet performer survivor
PS 1288 |
Brackebush, Fred M. — Iroquois Theater ticket clerk survivor
WS 1755 |
Brady, John T. — Chicago policeman or fireman
ZBG 2060 |
Brady, Leon — see Leon Frady |
Brady, William A. — theater producer
ZBG 1289 |
Brandt, Anna — performer survivor
PS 2068 |
Bray, Harriet — audience survivor
AS1395 |
Bray, William — audience survivor
AS1394 |
Brennan, Agnes — listed as fatality but did not attend
ZBG2066 |
Brennan, Maria Hogan — audience fatality
AF 1290 |
Brennan, James Paul — audience fatality
AF 1291 |
Brennan, Annie J. — performer survivor
PS 2526 |
Mary May Eliza — performer survivor
PS 2525 |
Brennan, William F. — commissioner of public works
ZBG 1507 |
Bressen, Mrs. A. — Improbable injured audience survivor — name only appeared
in a few out-of-Chicago newspapers so may have
been a typographical error on AP wire
BG |
Brewster, Mary Julia — audience fatality
AF 1697 |
Bricker, Rona — Improbable survivor, not listed in Chicago newspapers |
BG |
Brinsley, Emma L Newman. — audience fatality
AF 1293 |
Brown, Arthur
C. — orchestra performer survivor
PS 1715 |
Brown, Arthur G. — escape witness
AS 1741 |
Brown, Edith — audience survivor |
2002 |
Brown, Harold — audience survivor
AS 1777 |
Brown, Hazel Grace — audience fatality
AF 1776 |
Bruce, Joseph H. — audience survivor
AS 1943 |
Brydges, Dr. James Charles — physician working on victims at Thompsons restaurant
ZBG 1780 |
Bryden, Mrs. John — See Birdie Dryden |
Bryden, Taylor — See Taylor Dryden |
Brydon, R — possible Iroquois Theater employee
BG |
Buchan, Annabelle — see Annabell Whitford Moore
Buckingham, George T. — states special prosecutor
ZBG 1419 |
Buckley, Edward — Chicago fireman
ZBG 129 |
Buckley, Lawrence — deputy Chicago coroner
ZBG 1294 |
Buddeke, Blanche — audience survivor
AS 2466 |
Buddeke, Kate Hamilton — audience survivor
AS 2058 |
Buehrmann, Margaret — audience fatality
AF 1297 |
Bullard & Gormley Hardware lantern donator
BG 1069 |
Bullen, Mabel — audience survivor
AS 2042 |
Bullis, Ruth
R. — audience survivor from Decorah, Iowa |
AS 2516 |
Burdick, Helen — audience survivor
AS 1835 |
Burial permits
BG 1100 |
Burgess, Dr. William — San Antonio resident incorrectly named as an Iroquois Theater victim |
ZBG 2587 |
Burke, Bertha — audience fatality |
AF 2041 |
Burnett, Clyde J. — volunteer rescuer at Hallwood Cash Register |
ZBG 2588 |
Burnside, Esther — audience fatality |
AF 1300 |
Burton, May — probably made-up survivor |
ZBG 2587 |
Busback, Lewis — see Louise Buschwah |
Buschwah, Louise Alice — audience fatality |
AF 1301 |
Joseph Charles — audience survivor |
AS 2644 |
Bush, Louise — see Louise Buschwah
Bushnell, Milton B. — witness in Chicago graft investigation
ZBG 1784 |
Bust on front of theater — see Iroquois Theater bust |
Butler, Bennett — audience fatality
AF 1302 |
Butler, Edward - fictional rescuer created by
journalist |
ZBG 2532 |
Butler, Herman — audience survivor
AS 1944 |
Orlando H. — Iroquois Theater stage clearer survivor
WS 1483 |
Butler, Lucretia E. — audience fatality
AF 1303 |
Byrne, Consila — audience fatality
AF 1737 |
Byrne, Mary — audience fatality
AF 1738 |
Byrnes, Peter — coroners juror
ZBG 1455 |