Hacket, Thomas — Chicago fireman
BG |
David Carl — audience survivor
AS 2500 |
Haerr, Crystall — performer survivor
PS 1843 |
Hallisey, William J - audience survivor |
AS 2667 |
Hallwood Cash Register — see Ludwig
Halpin, Katharine Collins — Iroquois janitress survivor
WS 1797 |
Hamburger, Claudine — audience survivor
AS 2673 |
Hamilton, Helen — audience survivor
AS |
Hamilton, James J. — Iroquois Theater assistant stage manager survivor
WS 1492 |
Hamlet Was A Melancholy Dane — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Hammon, Glen M. —
physician who identified
victim |
ZBG 2522 |
Hannon, John — Chicago fireman Engine 13
ZBG 1541 |
Haney, John — audience survivor
AS |
Hanford, Aimee — audience survivor, age 16, daughter of Clarence and Eleanor Hanford of Seattle
AS |
Hansen, Clara. — audience survivor (Racine, WI school teacher), face and neck severely burned |
AS |
Hansen, Harry — Iowa newspaper telegrapher at desk night of fire
BG |
Hansen, Nancy — audience fatality
AF 1917 |
Hanson, Lydia T. — injured audience survivor
AS 1740 |
Hanson, Lena Moore — audience survivor
AS 1355 |
Hanson, Anna B. — audience fatality
AF 2163 |
Happer, Mary McGill — probable audience survivor, definitely not a fatality
AS 2168 |
Happer, Andrew Patton — audience survivor
AS 2169 |
Harbaugh, Mary E. — audience fatality
AF 2171 |
Harbaugh, Harriet — audience fatality
AF 2170 |
Hare, David A. — dentist who helped identify
bodies |
ZBG 2522 |
Harr — see Crystal Haerr
Harris, Bertha — audience survivor, escaped from 2nd floor balcony, native of Lena, IL
AS |
Harris, Eleanor — audience survivor |
AS 2668 |
Harris, Florence — audience survivor
AS 1212 |
Harrison, Carter Henry — Chicago mayor
ZBG 1582 |
Harrison, Frank C. — Iroquois Theater light operator survivor
WS 1493 |
Harrison, William Preston — posted bond for his brother, mayor Carter Harrison
ZBG 1552 |
Hart, Arthur — Iroquois Theater property boy stage clearer survivor
WS 1494 |
Hart, Elizabeth — audience fatality
AF 2173 |
Hart, Nellie English — audience fatality
AF 2174 |
Hartman, Carrie A. — audience survivor
AS 1847 |
Hartman, John Steve — audience fatality
AF 1846 |
Hascott, Cora — injured audience survivor, burned on face, head & hands, condition critical
AS |
Haskell, Jack — possible stagehand or chorus performer
ZBG 2073 |
Hatten, Emma — injured audience survivor (married Paris Gordon. d. 1909, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Sam Lucas of Denver)
AS |
Hats — see Fashions
Hauford, Violet — audience survivor
AS 2052 |
Hauman, Elizabeth — Pony Ballet performer survivor
PS 1701 |
Hauman, Lonie — Pony Ballet performer survivor
PS 1702 |
Haveland, Leigh — see Leigh Hovland
Haverly, Jack J.H. — theater pioneer
ZBG 1583 |
Hawes, Addison J. — Iroquois Theater stage hand survivor
WS 1495 |
Hawes, Robert M. — Iroquois Theater stage hand survivor
WS 1496 |
Hawkins, W. B. — audience survivor, Sheboygan, WI, salesman for C. Reiss Coal Co
AS |
Hawley, Clara Ione — audience survivor
AS |
Hayes, Frank — audience fatality
AF 2177 |
Hayman, Al — Iroquois co-owner and Syndicate member
ZBG 1641 |
Hayman and Davis Century Theater of St. Louis
BG |
Haymarket Square Market
BG |
Haymarket Theater
BG 2640 |
Hays, Will S. — injured audience survivor
AS |
Haynes, John — injured audience survivor, age 30, 717 47th st
AS |
Haynes, Timmothy L. — Chicago policeman
ZBG 1968 |
Healy, Daniel D. — fire truck sales representative
ZBG 2013 |
Healy, John J. — states attorney
ZBG 1423 |
Heaney, Charles — Chicago fireman
BG |
BG 1100 |
Hecht, Clarice Kaestner — audience survivor |
AS 2637 |
Heckard, Dr. M.O. — Chicago health department official responsible for issuing burial permits (1865–)
BG |
Heer, Alphonous A. — attorney for C.P. Whitney fire insurance
ZBG 1549 |
Heinzelman, Lenchen — audience survivor
AS |
Helms, Otto H. — audience fatality
PF 2055 |
Hendrick, Eleanor — see Eleanor Periam
Hennessy, Donald — audience survivor
AS 1460 |
Hennessy, Earl — injured audience survivor
AS 1459 |
Hennessy, Willie — audience fatality
AF 1461 |
Henning, Charles — audience fatality
AF 2179 |
Henning, Edwin — audience fatality
AF 2181 |
Henning, Emily Pettit — audience fatality
AF 2178 |
Henning, James — audience fatality
AF 2180 |
Henning, William — audience fatality
AF 2182 |
Henninger, Edna — improbable victim from Monticello, WI, wife of Charles Henninger — native of
Freeport, IL. Coroner did not issue death certificate.
AU |
Henry, Martin Francis — Chicago fireman
BG |
Henry, Mary Alda Freer — audience fatality
AF 1646 |
Hensley, Flora A. — audience fatality
AF 2183 |
Hensley, Frances Miriam — audience fatality
AF 2185 |
Hensley, Genevieve — audience fatality
AF 2184 |
Hensey, Wilma Winnie — audience survivor
AS 1385 |
Herger, Bertha — audience fatality
AF 2189 |
Herrmann, Ernest — Chicago alderman
ZBG 1602 |
Herron, Bessie L. — audience fatality
AF 2191 |
Hersey, Lena — audience survivor
AS |
He's Gone — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Heustey, George — Iroquois Theater employee
WS |
Hewins, Rev. Emory George — audience fatality
AF 2197 |
Hewins, Sarah Ravenscroft — audience fatality
AF 2198 |
Hewitts, Edwin G. — audience survivor, bookkeeper at Imperial Elevator, Minneapolis |
AS |
Heyer, William H. — see William Meyer
Heyworth, Mr. (relative of Otto Young, owner of The Fair department store) — audience survivor
AS |
Hickey, John J. — Iroquois Theater stage worker survivor
WS 1497 |
Hickman, Lyda
Lida E. Finch — audience fatality
AF 1837 |
Higgie, Miss J. — audience survivor
AS |
Higginson, Jeanette — audience fatality
AF 1673 |
Higginson, Roger — audience fatality
AF 1672 |
Hill, Arthur Howard — audience survivor
AS 2490 |
Hill, H. — Iroquois
Theater light operator survivor
WS 1498 |
Hills, Grace — audience survivor
AS 1375 |
Hill, Maude
Elizabeth — audience survivor
AS 2491 |
Hinchman, Emily Catherine Beattie — audience survivor
AS |
Hinchman, Emily Louise — audience survivor
AS |
Hinman, George Wheeler — editor and publisher Chicago Inter Ocean newspaper
ZBG 1589 |
Hippach, Archibald A. — audience fatality
AF 2200 |
Hippach, Robert L. — audience fatality
AF 2199 |
Hirsch, Mary — improbable audience fatality; death certificate not issued
AU |
Hire, Eva — audience fatality
AF 1990 |
Hobland, Edna — audience survivor
AS |
Hoffeins, Adeline J.C. — audience fatality
AF 2201 |
Hoflund, Charles E. — audience survivor
AS |
Hogan, Thomas — attorney who represented 5 Bluebeard chorus members
BG 2701 |
Hoier, Thomas — see Esther Boggs
Holberton, E. R. — improbable audience fatality. Appeared only on 1st-day death lists in Chicago and on subsequent
days in newspapers that picked up Chicago 1st-day lists. No death certificate issued, no one by that name with various
spellings living in Chicago or states adjacent to Illinois, no one by a name even vaguely close died Dec 1903-Jan 1904
BG |
Holdom, Jesse — superior court judge
ZBG 1442 |
Holland, Frank — performer survivor
PS 2075 |
Holland, John H. — audience fatality
AF 2202 |
Holloway, George H. — audience survivor
AS 1320 |
Holm, Hulda — audience fatality
AF 2162 |
Holmes, Burton — audience survivor
AS |
Holmes, Minnie
Knight — audience fatality
AF 1396 |
Holst, Alan B. — audience fatality
AF 2207 |
Holst, Amy — audience fatality
AF 2209 |
Holst, Gertrude — audience fatality
AF 2208 |
Holst, Mary — audience fatality
AF 2206 |
Home, Florence Louise — surviving performer
PS 2446 |
Honore, Mr. (one of Bertha Potter's brothers) — audience survivor
AS |
Hooleys Theater — see Powers Theater
Hoover, William A. — dentist who identified victims
ZBG 2524 |
Hop, Hop, Hippety Hop — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Hope, Bob — see Eddie Foy
Hoppe, Gustave — dancing performer survivor
PS 2535 |
Horan, James — fireman
ZBG 2005 |
Horn, Richard A. — audience survivor
AS |
Horne, Florence — cornet player in Iroquois orchestra survivor
PS 1711 |
Hornsby, Henry H. — city electrical inspector
ZBG 1857 |
Hospital, Iroquois Memorial
BG 1156 |
BG |
Hotel plans for Delaware Building
BG1188 |
Hough, Annie — audience survivor
AS 1273 |
Hough, Harry L. — audience survivor
AS 2612 |
Hough, William — circuit court 1st district dismissed 15 personal injury cases May, 1907
BG |
Houseman, Frank William — audience survivor
AS 2210 |
Houston, Robert — Iroquois Theater stage hand / scene shifter survivor
WS 1510 |
Hovland, Edna — audience survivor
AS 1329 |
Hovland, Jacob S. — stage hand survivor
WS 1511 |
Hovland, Leigh — audience fatality
AS 1335 |
Howard, Charles H. — possible audience survivor (mentioned in one news story, not
found elsewhere)
BG |
Howard, Helen May — audience fatality
AF 2216 |
Howard, Mary E. — audience fatality
AF 1876 |
Howard, Philip – Iroquois Theater standhand survivor
WS 1512 |
Howard, Roy Bostler — audience survivor |
AS 2448 |
Howell, Robert Bob — audience survivor
AS 1685 |
Howey, Walter — Inter Ocean manager
BG 2890 |
Hoyne, Susan — audience survivor
AS 1348 |
Hoyt — see Fox |
Hrody, Anna Cerny — audience fatality
AF 2220 |
Hubka, Emil — newspaper copy boy
BG |
Hudson, Harry — see Clarence Burr Scott
Huenkemeier, Gustave A. — audience survivor from Freeport, IL |
AS |
Hughes, Dr. Joseph — audience survivor
AS |
Hughes, James R. — Chicago fireman
BG |
Hull, Arthur E. — family member of victims, co-founder of Iroquois Memorial Assoc
AS 1575 |
Hull, Donald — audience fatality
AF 1578 |
Hull, Dwight — audience fatality
AF 1579 |
Hull, Helen Muriel — audience fatality
AF 1577 |
Hull, Marion Kelsey — audience fatality
AF 1576 |
Humma, Osmond Bernard — injured audience survivor
AS 2221 |
Humphrey, Irene — Mr.
Bluebeard performer survivor
PS 2536 |
Hungerford, Josephine — audience
survivor |
AS 2675 |
Hungerford, Mary — audience
survivor |
AS 2674 |
Hunter, Edna Sloan — injured audience survivor
AS 1331 |
Hunter, Mabel — audience survivor
AS 1332 |
Hur — see Ben Hur
Hussey, John - Chicago fireman
BG |
Hutchins, Florence — audience fatality
AF 2224 |
Hutchins, H. L. — improbable audience fatality from Ripon, Wisconsin, death certificate not issued
Hyde, Henry H. — Chicago Tribune newspaper columnist
BG |
Hynes, William J. — Defense attorney
ZBG 1422 |