Mac Harg, William — consulting engineer for city council theater ordinance committee
ZBG 1614 |
Macrane, Gilbert — see Gilbert McLean
MacKay, Roland S. — audience fatality
AF 1360 |
Madison Street
BG 1170 |
Magin, Bonnie — performer survivor
PS 2090 |
Maher, W. J. — Fuller employee who installed roof vent
BG |
Mahler, Edith L. — audience fatality
AF 1351 |
Mahnken, John — criminal who falsely claimed body of Iroquois victim Lulu Greenwald
ZBG 2277 |
"Ma Honey" — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Malian, Mrs. — seriously injured audience survivor,
possibly Celeste Maliano, or Carmella Malan, wives of
Italian immigrants, Michael and Marcaro
Malan |
AS |
Maloney, Clara Matilde Peterson — audience fatality
AF 2278 |
Malyon, Clifton — audience survivor
AS 2280 |
Mann, Emma D. — audience fatality
AF 2283 |
Mann, Joseph B. — defense attorney
ZBG 1456 |
Manning, Purdy T. or Manning, T. — possible Iroquois Theater stage clearer
BG |
Map showing location of Chicago buildings involved in Iroquois Theater disaster
BG 1089 |
Markey, Louis F. Jr & Sr. — incorrectly listed as victims, found safe
BG |
Marlowe, Dorothy "Dotty" — Pony Ballet performer survivor
PS 1704 |
Marlowe, Eva — Pony Ballet performer survivor
PS 1708 |
/ Maroney, Theresa "Lulu" — performer survivor
PS 2547 |
Marquis, Rev William S. — pastor Broadway Presbyterian Rock Island, IL
conducted services
BG |
"Marriage is Sublime" — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Marshall, Arthur — Iroquois Theater stagehand survivor
WS 1518 |
Marshall, Benjamin — Iroquois Theatre architect
ZBG 2284 |
Marshall Field's store
— many Iroquois Theater audience
survivors fled to the department store to
replace lost coats and receive first aid |
BG |
Martin, Clara Campbell — audience survivor
AS 2290 |
Martin, Dr. Daniel R. — audience survivor
AS 2289 |
Martin, Erle — audience fatality
AF 2286 |
Martin, Harold C. — audience fatality
AF 2288 |
Martin, Margurite — performer survivor
PS 2548 |
Martin, Robert B. — audience fatality
AF 2287 |
Marx, May — audience fatality
AF 1333 |
Marvyne, Mary Williams — injured audience survivor
AS 1369 |
Marzein, Mary — see Mary Williams Marvyne |
Mason, Marjorie — audience survivor
AS 1275 |
Massoney, Frank John — Irqouois Theater stage carpenter / scene shifter survivor
WS 1537 |
Matchette, Emily — audience fatality
AF 2018 |
Mathews, William H. — Chicago Daily News reporter covering Iroquois Theater fire |
BG |
Matthews, W. T. — worker at Northwestern
ZBG 2458 |
Mavor, William — Chicago councilman
ZBG 1604 |
Maxfield, Ella — possible audience survivor / possible hoax
ZBG 2291 |
Maxwell, Alice Ripley — audience survivor
AS 2578 |
Maxwell, Allison — audience survivor
AS 2579 |
Maxwell, Robert Elliot — audience survivor
AS 2580 |
Mayer, Levy — defense attorney
ZBG 1457 |
Mayer, Simon - police department secretary
and first responder |
ZBG 2523 |
Mayhew, Ella — see Ella Maxfield
Maypole, William — Chicago alderman who helped draft new theater ordinance
ZBG 1605 |
Mazzanovich, Max — Mr. Bluebeard stage carpenter survivor
WS 1500 |
Mazzette, Louis / Lewis / Ludwig - performer
survivor |
PS 2514 |
McAdams, Mrs. Henry and daughter — reported as possible casualties to Chicago
coroner's office, subsequently reported as inaccurate. While husband
was jailed, charged with horse theft, his wife took their toddler daughter and fled
from their home in Syracuse or Sandwich, IL to Chicago, and
declined to respond to his attempts to contact them; unknown if they even attended. |
BG |
McAllister, William J. — Chicago building department
ZBG 1789 |
McAvoy, Dan — comedian who played Mr. Bluebeard on Broadway
ZBG 2292 |
McCahill, Edmond D. —
Chicago fireman
BG |
McCarthy, Charles H. — one of thieves in Helen Trask case
ZBG 1861 |
McCarthy, John F. — city collector testified in coroners trial
ZBG 1559 |
McCarthy, Thomas J. — accused ghoul
ZBG 1861 |
McCaslin, Estella L. — injured audience survivor
AS 1940 |
McCaughan, Helen — audience fatality
AF 2211 |
McChristie, Anna — audience fatality
AF 2410 |
McClelland, Joseph — audience fatality
AF 1584 |
McCleery, R. C. — Mr. Bluebeard set designer
ZBG 2107 |
McClure, George — audience survivor
AS 1933 |
McClure, Lawrence — audience fatality
AF 1934 |
McClurg, Roy — See Lawrence R. McClure
McCloskey, John — Iroquois Theater stagehand survivor
WS 1501 |
McComas, Duke Simpson — audience survivor
AS 2582 |
McCutcheon, John T. Sad family 1903 Christmas cartoon
ZBG 2293 |
McDonald, Viola — performer survivor
PS 2509 |
McDonnell, John C. — Chicago fireman
BG |
McElligott, James W. — Chicago fireman
BG |
McEwen, Judge Willard M. — circuit court
BG 2883 |
McGaffey, Ernest — mayor Harrison's secretary
ZBG 1587 |
McGann, Lawrence Edward — acting Chicago mayor
ZBG 1508 |
McGill, Elizabeth K. — audience fatality
AF 2165 |
McGill, Martha — injured audience survivor
AS 2164 |
McGunnigle, Mary e — audience fatality
AF 2297 |
McGurn, John C. — audience survivor (actor: James C. Marlowe)
AS |
McInnes, Dr. Robert W. — slightly injured audience survivor
AS 2298 |
Mary F. Johnson — injured audience survivor
AS 2596 |
McKee, James W. — audience fatality
AF 1185 |
McKenna, Bernardt — audience fatality
AF 1242 |
McKenna, Amy / Amie Beder — audience fatality
AF 1241 |
McLaughlin, William Lancaster — audience fatality
AF 2411 |
McLean, Abbie — performer survivor
PS 2545 |
McLean, Gilbert — theater scene shifter survivor
WS 1542 |
McMillan, Mabel — audience fatality
AF 2350 |
McMullen, William — stage worker survivor
(also see Utility stairwell)
WS 2072 |
McNally, John J. — playwright who rewrote libretto for American audiences
BG |
McNeil, Seppie — Pony Ballet performer survivor
PS 1705 |
McNichols, Daisy Smith — audience survivor |
AS 2616 |
McNichols, Ernest S. — audience survivor |
AS 2615 |
McQueen, Thomas — Mr. Bluebeard stagehand survivor
WS 1502 |
McSweeney, Capt. Dennis — firefighter (hook & ladder company 9)
ZBG 2566 |
McVickers Theater audience in 1901
BG 1152 |
McWeeney, Patrick D. — police lieutenant who jailed bad tempered rigger Kerr
BG |
McWilliams, William C. — volunteer rescuer
BG |
Mead, Lucille — audience fatality
AF 1817 |
Mead, Mary E. Moak — audience fatality
AF 2251 |
Meagher, Ellen — audience survivor
AS 2300 |
Meagher, Maria T. — audience fatality
AF 2299 |
Medical volunteers needed — relay alert messaging
BG 1196 |
Meehan, Harry — performer survivor
PS 2513 |
Meeker, Clinton G — reported entire family of 5 missing. They weren't.
BG |
Mellen, L.M. — injured audience survivor (Elgin, IL)
AS |
Melz, M. L. — injured audience survivor
AS |
Memhard (or Menard), Albert A- audience survivor
AS |
Memhard, Stuart — audience survivor
AS |
Memorial Plaque — see Iroquois
Mendel, Augusta M. — audience fatality
AF 2412 |
Menzer, Annie — audience fatality
AF 1888 |
Merriam, Fannie E. Guthrie — audience fatality
AF 1892 |
Merriman, Louise — audience survivor, slightly injured, wife of William A.
AS |
Merriman, Mildred — audience survivor
AS |
Methodist clergy versus theaters |
BG |
Meyer, Leopold H. — coroners jury foreman
ZBG 1450 |
Meyer, William H. — usher survivor
WS 2024 |
Meyers, Elsa H. — audience fatality
AF 2308 |
Michel family, Mrs. R.S., Ruth and Louise — audience survivors
AS |
Middleton, Kathleen — audience fatality
AF 1746 |
Miller, Frank — Iroquois Theater |
WS 1516 |
Miller, Helen Koehn — audience fatality
AF 2413 |
Miller, John "Johnny" H. — violin player in Iroquois orchestra — performer survivor
PS |
Miller, Mrs. Henry — injured audience survivor, Ontonagon, Michigan, burned and overcome by smoke
AS |
Miller, Willard C. — audience fatality
AF 2415 |
Millikin or Milliken, Anna B. — audience survivor
AS 2157 |
Mills, Clara B. — audience fatality
AF 2416 |
Mills, Isabella — audience fatality
AF 1698 |
Mills, Minnie Pearl Plant — audience fatality
AF 1696 |
Mills, Ward — audience survivor
AS 1699 |
Mingins, Clara W. — audience survivor
AS 1975 |
Mildred E. — audience survivor
AS 1976 |
Minwegen, John — Chicago alderman
ZBG 1606 |
Minwegen, Sophia E. — inaccurately reported as a fatality
AS 1607 |
Mitchell, Dora — audience fatality
AF 2309 |
Mitchell, Ruth — Either a teenage audience
member or a chorus girl |
PS |
Moak, Anna — audience fatality
AF 2252 |
Moak, Orlena "Lena" — audience fatality
AF 2253 |
Moberly, Edward — audience survivor
AS 1949 |
Moloney, Alicia — audience fatality
AF 2312 |
Monroe, Cora — audience survivor |
AS |
Montgomery, Dr. H.L. — volunteer rescuer
BG |
Montague, Helen I. Johnson — audience
survivor |
AS 2595 |
Montrose Cemetery monument — See Iroquois Theater Montrose Cemetery
Moody, Dr. Frank Adolph — audience survivor
AS |
Moody, Rosa — audience survivor
AS 1386 |
Moohan, H. B. — improbable victim — death certificate not issued, no such
person in 1900 U.S. Census,
also checked Mohan, Mahan & H.B.
BG |
Moore, Beatrice — audience survivor
AS 2153 |
Moore, Benjamin — audience fatality
AF 1356 |
Moore, Catherine Ella Kittie Sayles — audience fatality
AF 1357 |
Moore, Mary Farmer — audience fatality
AF 1361 |
Moore, Matilda Hulda Christine — audience fatality
AF 1364 |
Moore, Sibyl — audience fatality
AF 1362 |
Moosman, Carrie — audience survivor
AS 2445 |
Mora, Edward T. — performer survivor
PS 2077 |
Moran, Helen Cora "Nellie" — audience survivor
AS 2432 |
Moran, Thomas A. — defense attorney
ZBG 1424 |
Morell, Gladys — audience survivor
AS |
Morgan, Andrew H. — audience survivor ( 496 Webster Avenue, b. 1880, England), Detroit
AS |
Morgan, Julia — audience survivor
AS |
Morgan, Myrtle — audience survivor (496 Webster Ave, b. 1860, m. Alfred Francis
Morgan, England) mother of toddler
Warren F. Morgan, sister of Marcella Warren, Detroit
AS |
Morgan, Nellie — audience survivor
AS |
Morgan, Warren F. Sr — audience survivor, Detroit
AS |
Morgan, Warren F. Jr — audience survivor, Detroit
AS |
Morris, Mabel A. — see Mabel Norris
Morrow, Sarah J. "Jennie" — audience survivor
AS 2450 |
Mortell / Morrill, Mary — audience injured survivor
AS |
Mossler, Pauline — audience fatality
AF 2187 |
"Mother Eve" aka "Stories Adam Told to Eve" — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Motz, Jacob "Jake" — Iroquois Theater stage worker survivor
WS 1519 |
Mowry, Fannie A. — audience survivor
AS 2048 |
Mr. Bluebeard |
Mr. Bluebeard — cast list for 1903 Iroquois Theater engagement
Mr. Bluebeard — costumes, primary designer
Mr. Bluebeard — costumes aerialist gear
Mr. Bluebeard — costumes, Drury Lane
Mr. Bluebeard — costumes, salvaged
Mr. Bluebeard — cinema
Mr. Bluebeard — fires in multiple cities
Mr. Bluebeard — music
Mr. Bluebeard — song lyrics |
Mr. Bluebeard — orchestra in Chicago and composers
Mr. Bluebeard — portion of performers not covered elsewhere
Mr. Bluebeard — programs, Iroquois
Mr. Bluebeard — publicity, Knickerbocker Theater NYC
Mr. Bluebeard — publicity, New York Times review
Mr. Bluebeard — road company schedule in 1903
Mr. Bluebeard — octet
Mr. Bluebeard — Pony Ballet
Mr. Bluebeard — storybook illustrations by Robinson, Heighway, Austen, Clarke and Dulac
Mr. Bluebeard — synopsis
Mucker, C.G. — see Clinton Meeker
Mudge, Ruth — audience survivor |
AS 2669 |
Muegher, Mary — injured audience survivor
AS |
Mueller family #1
Mueller, Barbarabell — audience survivor
AS 2576 |
Mueller, Florence — audience survivor
AS 2577 |
Mueller, Flossie Payne — audience survivor
AS 2575 |
Mueller family #2
Mueller, Helen Ella — audience fatality
AF 1902 |
Mueller, Emelia — audience fatality
AF 1901 |
Mueller, Pauline — see Pauline Mueller Jacobson
Muir, Estelle Margery "Essie" — audience fatality
AF 2196 |
Muir, Eugenia "Eugie" Hewins — audience fatality
AF 2195 |
Muir, Samuel A. — audience fatality
AF 2194 |
Muker, C. G. — see Clinton Meeker
Muldoon, Rev. Peter J. — catholic bishop St. Charles Borromeo
ZBG 2313 |
Mulligan, Amy Stillman — injured audience survivor
AS 1993 |
Munholland, Josephine — audience fatality
AF 2417 |
Murphy, Dewitt J. — audience fatality
AF 2281 |
Murphy, John — newsboy reported to have sold 2,700 newspapers about Iroquois Theater fire in one hour
BG |
Murray, Charles — audience fatality
AF 2314 |
Murray or Murry, Robert E. — Iroquois stationary engineer survivor
WS 1811 |
Musham, William Henry — Chicago fire marshal
ZBG 1574 |
Music - see Mr. Bluebeard