Taft, Lorado — sculptor, Iroquois Memorial Plaque
ZBG 1962 |
Taylor, Flora L. — audience fatality
AF 1304 |
Taylor, Emma R. — audience fatality
AF 1678 |
Taylor, James M — audience fatality
AF 1679 |
Taylor, Percy — audience survivor
AS 2051 |
Taylor, Rene Mary — audience fatality
AF 1680 |
Taylor, Ream — see Rene Taylor
Teachers — see Chicago
Teall, Edward M. — Underwriters Insurance man
ZBG 2382 |
Telephone service — See May Blair |
Thacher, Walter — audience fatality
AF 1409 |
Theatre Fires and Panics: their Causes and Prevention book
| ZBG 1586 |
Theater Syndicate
Experiences of Mrs. Fiske and
Francis Wilson
BG 2661 |
Theatrical "Spectacle" definition and history
BG 1165 |
"Then Away We Go" — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Theni, Emma Klara — audience fatality
AF 1760 |
"There's Nothing Like the Life We Sailors Lead" — see Mr. Bluebeard music
Titillation about escaping Iroquois Theater fire
though never attended |
BG |
Thomas, Remington Hewett — audience fatality
AF 2327 |
Thompson, Charles — audience survivor
AS |
Thompson, Clarence J. — audience fatality
AF 1209 |
Thompson, Clyde S. — audience fatality
AF 1336 |
Thompson, John Jr — audience survivor
AS 1318 |
Thompson, John R — restaurateur
ZBG 1319 |
Thompson Restaurant triage
ZBG 1316 |
Thompson, Robert S. — audience fatality
AF 1208 |
Thompson, Ruth — audience survivor
AS 1317 |
Thompson, S. — Iroquois Theater night watchman
Thorne, Pauline — dancing performer survivor
PS 2555 |
Thornton, Catherine — audience survivor
AS |
Thornton, John — thought a casualty by parents but probably not. No death certificate issued and not
listed among victims
BG |
Tickets — see Iroquois
Theater |
Tierney, Murrill J. — Northwestern engineer helped with plank rescues
ZBG 2454 |
Tobias, Florence — audience fatality
AF 2383 |
Tobias, George J — president Iroquois Theater Memorial Association
ZBG 2384 |
Tobin, Flora Parrish — audience survivor
AS 2128 |
Tobin, John — one of police detectives who arrested defendants named in coroners inquest
ZBG 1561 |
Tolman, Edgar — Chicago corporate counsel
ZBG 1565 |
Tombstone costs in 1903
BG 1221 |
Toole, Lillian Elizabeth Rosecrans
- audience survivor |
AS 2623 |
Torney, Mary Edna — audience fatality
AF 1292 |
Touhey, John H. — fireman
RF |
Tousley, Victor H. — Chicago electrical inspector
ZBG 1859 |
Towle, Marcus M. — audience survivor (owner of new Towle Opera house in Hammond, Indiana, Hammond s 1st mayor)
AS |
Townsend, William H. — second assistant fire marshal
BG |
Tracey, Maud — audience survivor, 2043 Kenmore Ave., seated in gallery
AS |
Traeger, John E. — Chicago coroner
ZBG 2385 |
Trainer, C. W. — fire curtain mfr — see Iroquois Theater
Trask, Odessa — audience fatality
AF 2311 |
Trask, Helen Bates — audience fatality
AF 2310 |
Treat, James — usher survivor
WS 2034 |
Tredeler / Troendle, Rose — injured audience survivor, duplicate of Trevelier?
AS |
Tremont House (Northwestern University)
BG |
Trevelier, Affy — injured audience survivor, duplicate of Tredeler?
Triage — Dr. Lydstons description of triage
BG |
Triage — rows of dead on sidewalk
BG 1012 |
Trials — see Court
Troup, Charles — legal aid for state in Davis involuntary manslaughter trial
BG |
Trowbridge, Elizabeth or Emma — injured audience survivor
AS 2512 |
Trude — Alfred S. — defense attorney
ZBG 1428 |
Tubbs, Anna) — audience survivor (468 West Adams St.)
AS |
Tubbs, Emma (F. H.) — audience survivor (468 West Adams St.)
AS |
Turners Turnverein gymnasts
BG 1225 |
Turney, Carrie — audience fatality
AF 2387 |
Turney, Susie — audience fatality
AF 2386 |
Turschinski, Alma — injured Mr. Bluebeard aerialist performer
PS 1625 |
Tuttle, Edith — audience fatality
AF 2378 |
Tuttle, Grace — audience fatality
AF 1974 |
"Twilight Glimmers" — see Mr. Bluebeard music