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Iroquois Theater managers
post $10,000 bonds
Coroners Deputy Lawrence
Bluebeard stage manager William Carlton
Albert C. Barnes
assistant states attorney
Chicago coroner John E.
Officials inspect stair
Coroners jury for
Iroquois Theater disaster
City of Chicago not
liable for Iroquois Theater
Judge Kimbrough had no
Robert Crowe
co-prosecutor in Iroquois Theater trial
Iroquois Theater
attorneys behaving badly
Attorney Joseph B. Mann
spit accurately
Austrian family sorrow
and betrayal
Bluebeard stage manager William Carlton
Clarence Darrow worked
behind scenes
Levi Mayer Iroquois
Theater defense attorney
Run down on 20 Iroquois
Theater attorneys
Judge John Caverly in
Circuit court judge
Circuit Court Judge
Theodore Green
Judge Smith granted 2nd
venue change
Iroquois Theater grand
jury trials
Chicago aldermen on fire
Overview Iroquois Theater
fire legal proceedings
Marcus Kavanagh
Theater manager acquitted
Iroquois Theater bankruptcy ended liability
A note about sourcing. When this
project began, I failed to anticipate the day might come when a
more scholarly approach would be called for. When my
mistake was recognized I faced a decision: go back and spend years creating source lists for every page, or go
forward and try to cover more of the people and circumstances
involved in the disaster. Were I twenty years younger, I'd
have gone back, but in recognition that this project will end when I do, I chose to go forward.
These pages will provide enough information, it is hoped, to
provide subsequent researchers with additional information.
I would like to
hear from you if you have additional info about an Iroquois victim, or find an error,
and you're invited to visit the
comments page to share stories and observations about the Iroquois Theater fire.