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Iroquois Theater doors
Chicago's AH Andrews Co.
advertised in Iroquois Program
Fire escapes at Iroquois
South side Iroquois Theater
Iroquois Theater
auditorium days after fire
25 inch rise between rows
in Iroquois Theater balcony
Caged in a deathtrap
where it shouldn't have been
Landing at Iroquois
Theater that became a deathtrap
Iroquois Theater renamed
Colonial Theater in 1909
Chicago buildings
involved in Iroquois Theater disaster
Officials inspect stair
Stage property reduced to
glass chips to avoid import duties
Iroquois chieftain
sculpture by Joseph Dux on Chicago theater
Race for life in utility
John R. Freeman Theater
fire investigator
Edward M. Teall insurance
Benjamin Marshall
designed a pretty palace
John Lewis scenic theater curtain painter
Electric installed electric fixtures
W. T.
Wilmarth supplied light fixtures
Sprinklered theaters were
rare in 1903 Chicago
Uncontrolled lighting played a role
Iroquois fire
extinguishers a joke
Louis Guenzel detailed
Iroquois Theater doors
Iroquois Theater missing
Notice. This research project will end and this website will be deleted in December 2025. The contents of the site, consisting
of over 1GB of data in nearly 700 files and 2,200 images are available on a USB flash drive.