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Mr Bluebeard at NYC
Pony Ballet dancers
Grigolatis aerial ballet
Herbert Cawthorn played
Irish Patsha in Mr Bluebeard
Ada Cecelia Blanche Adams
played Fatima
Bluebeards dead wives in
1901 silent film
Mr. Bluebeard Review in
New York Times
Lola Armour helped
Bluebeard performers
Annabell Whitford Queen
of Fairies
Mr Bluebeard in
Music in Klaw and
Erlanger Mr. Bluebeard
Mr Bluebeard at Drury
Ben Hur to replace Mr
Bluebeard at Iroquois Theater
William Brady theatrical producer at
Iroquois Theater
Iroquois Theater Mr
Bluebeard 1903 cast list
Nora Cecil played
Abdallah in Mr Bluebeard at the Iroquois
Mr. Bluebeard costumes by Attilio Comelli
Zaza Belasco aka Winifred
Violet Dunn Percival
Victor Bozardt vaudeville
actor Iroquois Theater survivor
Vaudeville dancer and
actress Esther Boggs survived Iroquois fire
Fairy tales on Broadway
1903 style
Mr Bluebeard program
while at Iroquois Theater
Painted stage curtains in
early 1900s
Iroquois flute player
Interesting Libonati family survived
Ethel Lytle Mr Bluebeard
Comedic actress dancer
Hazel Ashmore at Iroquois Theater
Daisy Beaute played Zara
Eddie Foy at the Iroquois
Samuel Bell Iroquois
octet performer
A note about sourcing. When this
project began, I failed to anticipate the day might come when a
more scholarly approach would be called for. When my
mistake was recognized I faced a decision: go back and spend years creating source lists for every page, or go
forward and try to cover more of the people and circumstances
involved in the disaster. Were I twenty years younger, I'd
have gone back, but in recognition that this project will end when I do, I chose to go forward.
These pages will provide enough information, it is hoped, to
provide subsequent researchers with additional information.
I would like to
hear from you if you have additional info about an Iroquois victim, or find an error,
and you're invited to visit the
comments page to share stories and observations about the Iroquois Theater fire.