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Stella McCaslin couldn't
save her mother
Walter Thacher was a
Weber piano salesman
1 of 9 teens was lost
Peterson sisters of
Preston Minnesota
Hulda Holm and Anna
Robinson died before family's prosperity
Anna Schonbeck and her
Ed Schreiner family wiped
June and Hattie Secrist
Usher Joseph Seymour
saved many
Uncle Henry Richardson
and niece Elva Fowler
Two young Methodist
pastors Iroquois victims
Lola Kuebler was sixteen
Moak and Mead family
Charles James 3rd
generation hardware man
Fire victim Jeanette
Quetsch was from France
Iroquois Theater fire
started chain of tragedy
Polish immigrant
Kwasniewski Iroquois victim
Who was Georgia Kulas?
Pauline Mueller Jacobson
Iroquois victim Andy
Sheridan was a railroad engineer
Stoddards from Minonk,
Hungarian immigrant Simon
Mary and Eleanora Lutiger
Geneva Illinois couple
lost all 3 of their children
Thomas and Overlook
Carrie Leavenworth of
Decatur, IL
Mother and son Kochems
Mabel McMillan and Alice
Notice. This research project will end and this website will be deleted in December 2025. The contents of the site, consisting
of over 1GB of data in nearly 700 files and 2,200 images are available on a USB flash drive.