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Dillea was Mr Bluebeard music director
Antonio Frosolono
violinist and music director Iroquois Theater
Chrystal Haerr was a child actress in 1903
Costumes escaped Iroquois Theater fire
Stella Follis and
her children
Reed aerial ballet fatality
Grace Golden left Mr.
Aerialist Turschinski may
have survived
Bellaire Mr Bluebeard chorus girl
Iroquois Theater
Iroquois Theater viola
3 from Taunton, Mass
survived Iroquois fire
Baldwin sisters survived
Anna Brandt survived
Made up heroics in 1957
Pale Moonlight double
octet at Iroquois Theater
Bonnie Magin
Mr. Bluebeard 1903
road schedule
Harry Gilfoil made people
Adele Rafter played Selim
Young and De Voie dancing
The men inside the horse
and the head at Mr Bluebeard
Who did what in 1903 Mr.
Daisy Ashton Brooklyn Choir girl
Harry Meehan The Irish Thrush
Thirty Mr. Bluebeard chorus members
Notice. This research project will end and this website will be deleted in December 2025. The contents of the site, consisting
of over 1GB of data in nearly 700 files and 2,200 images are available on a USB flash drive.