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Thompson family's home
was new in 1903
Ella Warley Lawrence
taught at the Farragut school
Kennedy sisters Iroquois
Theater victims
teachers Sayre and Gustafson Iroquois Theater victims
Two Chicago Throop school teachers died
at the Iroquois Theater
School teacher Adeline J. C. Hoffeins Iroquois
Theater victim
School teacher Bessie
Eger, Bloom and Reiss
families lost 5 to Iroquois
3 friends survived
Elizabeth and Helen Davy
School teacher Millie
Crocker Iroquois victim
teacher Pauline Geary Iroquois Theater victim
Student teacher Susie
Biegler Iroquois Theater fire victim
George Schneider Beloit
teacher Ellen Fair and her sister Maria
Falkenstein and Niece Rothe Iroquois victims
All 3 Harbaugh sisters
were Iroquois
Theater victims
Lehman Eldridge and
McClure party
Three in Brewster and
Mills Iroquois Theater perished
Alice Kilroy and her
sister escaped Iroquois Theater
School Teacher Dora
Mitchell Iroquois Theater Victim
School teacher Anna
Tuttle sisters and Pond
A note about sourcing. When this
project began, I failed to anticipate the day might come when a
more scholarly approach would be called for. When my
mistake was recognized I faced a decision: go back and spend years creating source lists for every page, or go
forward and try to cover more of the people and circumstances
involved in the disaster. Were I twenty years younger, I'd
have gone back, but in recognition that this project will end when I do, I chose to go forward.
These pages will provide enough information, it is hoped, to
provide subsequent researchers with additional information.
I would like to
hear from you if you have additional info about an Iroquois victim, or find an error,
and you're invited to visit the
comments page to share stories and observations about the Iroquois Theater fire.