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Hallwood Cash Register
Ludwig family
Hull family of 4 perished
Hippach brothers Iroquois
Hennessy brothers
Nurse Sadie Cook
Hannah Weinfeld Iroquois
Theater victim
Forbush and Dowst laundry
and Tootsietoys
Elizabeth and Frank
Caroline and Marjorie
and Elkan Teenagers
14 Year old Stratman and
Reynolds cousins
Cousins Ada Simpson and
Caroline Woods
Englewood High School
sorority 8 teenage girls
Rensselaer Leopold Wolf
Kaufmann Mossler
Clara and William Reid of
Didn't Do It
and Moloney families
Iroquois victim theft at
Josephine Gahan
Mother and son Neumann
Rectory housekeeper Mary
Gartz Guthardt and
Freckelton sisters
Four in party of five
Frady Spindler and Rife families
Ada Folke and Lucile Mead
Elna Frandsen
Rose Ernst went with her
aunt Anna to the theater
Emma Geik died two days
before her wedding
and Susie Turney
Holland and Pelton Des
A note about sourcing. When this
project began, I failed to anticipate the day might come when a
more scholarly approach would be called for. When my
mistake was recognized I faced a decision: go back and spend years creating source lists for every page, or go
forward and try to cover more of the people and circumstances
involved in the disaster. Were I twenty years younger, I'd
have gone back, but in recognition that this project will end when I do, I chose to go forward.
These pages will provide enough information, it is hoped, to
provide subsequent researchers with additional information.
I would like to
hear from you if you have additional info about an Iroquois victim, or find an error,
and you're invited to visit the
comments page to share stories and observations about the Iroquois Theater fire.