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Givin sisters of Des
Moines IA
Galesburg, IL Freer
mother and daughter
Gertie Falk
Nellie Folice just
celebrated 1st wedding anniversary
Brother and sister Emil
and Rosie Espen
Rubly and her daughters Ida Weimers and Mattie Fieser
Cemetery traffic at 1st
year anniversary
Clara Graves and her
niece Sophie Gudehus
Page and Specht family
Rattey Radke Reinhold Reimer Patten party
Patterson boys and Amelia
Norton Sisters from Upper
Peninsula Michigan
St. Louis hockey playing
university professor Harry Kiely
Hart was from Portland
Cousins Nellie Hart and
Maude Smith
John Hartmann, Carrie's
Frank Hayes was twenty
Ruth Robbins and Eva Hire
were daughters of Swift Co. men
Ella Linden and Rosamond
Josephine Pilat daughter
of poultry commissioner
Flute player Otto Helms
Finch sisters from
Kirksville, MO
Hensley family of
Herron and Will Paulmann
Five in Muir and Hewins
party perished
Lemenager family
Dewitt Murphy and Cliff
Winthrop Spring family
Polzin and Koehler
teenaged girls
Notice. This research project will end and this website will be deleted in December 2025. The contents of the site, consisting
of over 1GB of data in nearly 700 files and 2,200 images are available on a USB flash drive.