Agnes R. Kennedy (b. 1873) and her sister Frances E.
Kennedy (b. 1870) were elementary school teachers.
Agnes taught at the Melville w. Fuller school and
Frances at the Hendricks school.
Their address was reported as 6528 Ross Avenue but
that was the address of their brother-in-law who
identified their bodies. They may have lived with
their widowed father and younger brother at 106 W.
64th St., their address at the time of the 1900
Frances and Agnes attended South Division High
school in Chicago. Frances's teaching career
began in 1887 and Agnes's in 1892.
Henry A. Kennedy (1838–1907), their father, was a
builder from Ohio. Their mother, Elizabeth "Lizzie"
Murphy Kennedy was deceased. Their brother, Lambert
A. Kennedy (b. 1877), worked as a railroad clerk. An
older sister, Lillian M. (b. 1869), was married to
John J. Foley (1858–1912), a legal clerk, who
identified the girl's bodies. There may have been
another sister, Bessie.
The Kennedy sisters are buried in the family plot in Calvary
Cemetery in Evanston, Illinois.
Each girl had a $1,000 life insurance policy.